Mind Matters

Navigating Workplace Stress with Celia Waddington

Our fearless Founder & CEO, Celia Waddington, took center stage at the Phoenix BBB’s Speaker Series, “Ignite Your Mornings,” and delivered a compelling discussion on a topic that hits close to home for many: Navigating Workplace Stress and Safeguarding Mental Health. In a world where the pressures of the modern workplace can sometimes feel overwhelming, Celia’s insights couldn’t have come at a more crucial time.

The Spotlight Shines on Mental Health

From identifying and addressing common workplace stressors to providing a comprehensive guide for protecting one’s mental well-being, Celia covered all the bases with poise and expertise. Her discussion delved into practical strategies for managing stress, fostering a healthy work environment, and accessing support resources when needed—a testament to her commitment to ensuring the holistic wellness of our community.

Empowering Organizations for Positive Change

If Celia’s words struck a chord and you believe your workplace could benefit from this vital conversation, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact Celia Waddington in the form below to explore how we can bring this important dialogue to your organization. Together, let’s pave the way for a healthier, more supportive workplace environment.

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    Celia Waddington Speaking at the BBB about Navigating Workplace Stress